Building Study Committee Update: October 2024
The summer and early fall seasons have been an exciting time for the Building Study Committee. We are making good progress toward our goal of creating a more inviting, accessible, and hospitable building, specifically for the chancel and rear entrance to the building.
In September, the committee approved a series of schematic building plans that were created by our architect, Steve Auger, and his team at AKA Architects, Inc. The plans were forwarded to our construction management firm, Cunningham-Limp, and together we have worked to finalize preliminary cost estimates for the project. These plans were reviewed by our committee and presented to Central Church’s Church Council on September 24.
Beginning last Sunday, October 13, we began a series of presentations to the congregation that will continue throughout the month with a goal of asking for an all church vote to approve a Capital Campaign Feasibility Study, which will be conducted by The Solvent Group of Traverse City. Here are the next key upcoming dates for the congregation’s participation.
Sunday, October 20, the Building Study Committee will be available following the 9 and 11 am worship services to informally explore these plans in the Welcome Center.
Sunday, October 27, following the 11 am worship service, there will be a formal presentation of these plans in the sanctuary.
Sunday, November 3rd, our committee will ask the church to approve the next step in our process, the Campaign Committee Feasibility Study. This study will help us determine if we have the capability of raising the funds that will be necessary to complete the project.
We look forward to sharing our plans with you in the coming weeks as we envision an exciting future for Central Church. Thank you for your continued support of our work.
All our gratitude,
Julie Falconer, Chair
Pam Boyce
Jeff Cobb
Jeanne Esch
Dean Francis
Bob Miller
Lisa Myers
Linda Stephan, Lead Pastor
Elsie Randall says
I’m reading with interest. Not in a position to give an opinion. I was on the Bd. of Trustees at at the time of our last rather extensive updating, so I know it’s a big undertaking and must first be understood by those who will pay for it. And the being able to accept asthetic, appearance of the old and familiar, loved.