Hey, it’s still the Easter season!
In case you haven’t heard me say it to you personally – Halleluiah, Christ is Risen! Read on, as I’m eager to tell you of some new developments on Central’s horizon.
First off, you likely have received my news of retirement plans to happen in June of next year. Central is important enough of a ministry that I’ve chosen to share my plans this early to allow for the healthiest of transitions going forward. Several of you have already reached out to express appreciation and your commitment to Central. I am touched by that. But I’m fully here for the next 14 months, and we have work to do.
Your help is needed in laying the groundwork for the future of this church we love. One tangible way to help this month is by taking a few minutes to complete a survey of sorts, known as a Congregational Assessment Tool, CAT for short. It has been tested in hundreds of congregations, allowing leaders to hear from a wide range of attendees. Coming out of the COVID pandemic is the perfect time to collect data for making future plans in staffing and ministries.
The CAT assessment is created by a national firm known as Holy Cow Consulting (yes, that’s really their name), who describes this tool “like taking your church to a doctor, a travel agent and a tailor. It gives leaders a read-out on the health of the church, a sense of where members think the church should head in the future, and a description of the church as a unique body of people”.
The CAT will be made available to all members and friends of Central for a two-week window, from May 8th thru May 22nd, so it is time-sensitive. I ask you to make this a priority for the 20 minutes or so required to complete. You will receive instructions for completing the CAT online or on paper copies which will be provided. Every member of your household, from teen through adult, is encouraged to take the CAT. The more responses, the truer the profile. Your responses will be anonymous, and you are asked to respond to all the questions, even the ones that may seem less relevant.
Within the next few days you will receive a unique web link to complete the CAT assessment online. If you’d prefer to take the assessment using a paper copy, please call or stop by the office, and we will provide one for you, along with a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Enough details for now. You will be hearing more over the next several weeks. With the encouragement of Christ’s Spirit, let us make a good future together. Or to quote a favorite bible verse from Jeremiah – I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Joyfully Aware of the Resurrection,
Pastor Chris
Both Don and I will be happy to fill out the questionnaire, please do mail us to copies.
Send me one too! Thanks, Linda Button