Chances are, Wes has welcomed you at Central’s door many Sunday mornings while serving as a greeter. Wes
has been actively involved at Central for the past five years after moving to the Grand Traverse area from
Lansing, where he retired from a career in medical practices and administration. Wes and his wife, Sue, raised
three sons, David, Dan and Tom, who has been Central’s organist for the past eight years.
The Staff Pastor Parish Relations Committee (SPPRC) serves as an advisory board to the pastors and helps with
administrative matters concerning the church budget, personnel, job descriptions and pastor performance
evaluations. The committee is the church’s conduit with the UMC district supervisor, CUMC pastors, and the
congregation. Wes and the SPPRC committee have been actively involved with the UMC district supervisor in
the process of selecting a new senior pastor when Pastor Chris retires in 2023. The district supervisor, in
concert with other district supervisors and ultimately the bishop, will select the new candidate for our pulpit
and present that candidate to the SPPRC.
When Wes was asked about his motivation to attend and actively participate at Central, he said “It’s because
of the church’s inclusiveness, music and community outreach. There’s a certain quality and camaraderie that’s
inherent with Central people – it’s a congregation that makes everyone feel welcomed and invited.”
It was very fun, after reading this post, to be greeted by Wess at the back of the church yesterday. So welcoming. Thanks you.,