By Zeke Fleet, CUMC Missions Committee
According to the US Centers for Disease Control’s National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, approximately 41% of women and 26% of men are subject of domestic violence and abuse during their lifetime. These painful and traumatic experiences have a profound impact on the lives of individuals and families, often with long-term consequences.
The mission of the Women’s Resource Center (WRC) is to protect, shelter, and empower people impacted by domestic and sexual violence. The WRC is commemorating 50 years of protection and empowerment for people impacted by domestic and sexual violence. The WRC is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide free and confidential counseling for individuals and groups, and emergency shelter for those in need. The Women’s Resource Center has been a long-time mission of Central United Methodist Church. Your financial contribution can help uplift those facing domestic and sexual violence. Please select “Central Missions” on the dropdown when making donations online. Make a contribution here to Central Missions.
Most Recent impact statistics
- Number of people served: 422
- Number of calls for services: 5,082
- Number of calls from people in urgent crisis situations: 1,085
- Number of hours invested for one-on-one and support group counseling:1,324
- Number of people who have occupied WRC shelters:119
- Number of nights safe shelter provided: 3,981
- Number of Personal Protection Order requests: 240
- Number of meals served for individuals:10,251
- Number of families assisted through the WRC Holiday Needs program: 47
- The value of goods provided for those in need: approximately $10,000 per month.
The Women’s Resource Center addresses these and other areas of need:
- Domestic violence that’s often found in escalating pattens of abuse,
- Rape and sexual assault, effecting one in five women and one in 71 men in the US,
- Stalking, which effects one in 12 women and one in every 45 men in their lifetimes,
- Personal safety plans and safety tips are available for men and women in abusive situations,
- Technology safety that helps shield people from potentially perilous online activity,
- Intervention and counseling that provides options to escape violent or abusive situations,
- Personal Protection Orders (PPOs) involving law enforcement to help stop threats and violence.
How The Women’s Resource Center is Funded
The two WRC Thrift Shops in Traverse City, (at 1331 W. South Airport Rd. and 3030 at US-31 South), have been in operation for several years. The shops provide funds to help support the WRC mission. Also, donated clothing, household goods, and other items are given to those in need.
The Women’s Resource Center is also funded through community and corporate donations, grants, stocks and securities, memorial, in-kind gifts, special programs fund-raising events. The Women’s Resource Center is a 501(c)3 organization.
Consider donating needed items for WRC survivors such as non-perishable packaged food, kitchen items, baby items, personal/hygiene items, household and school supplies, and major retailer gift cards. These items can be dropped off at the WRC main office: 720 S. Elmwood Ave, Suite 2.
Volunteer opportunities and training sessions are available, call (231) 941-1210.
The Women’s Resource Center has been a long-time mission of Central United Methodist Church. Your financial contribution can help uplift those facing domestic and sexual violence. Please select “Central Missions” on the dropdown when making donations online. Make a contribution here to Central Missions.
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