Recently Central Church hosted a gathering of leaders to envision new vitality for our congregation. It was a fun and interactive morning of looking at Central’s Strengths, Opportunities and Aspirations.
A few of the strengths named by the 50 people in attendance included:
Sense of Mission
Many opportunities to serve
Dynamic Staff
Variety of Worship
Music that Inspires
Open Minded
New Ideas are Welcomed
Great Facility
These words express images of vitality for the mission of Jesus Christ. Maybe you have some you would add?
Looking Forward
The majority of that morning was spent looking at opportunities and aspirations that grow out from our strengths. We asked: Where is God calling us next? What new expressions of vitality are needed for us to fully live into our potential?
Some the ideas shared were a “bettering up” of current ministries.
“Glad You’re Here” buttons for Greeters and Ushers
Training more greeters for hospitality
More opportunities to engage the senses in our current worship services
Grow retreat and mission trip opportunities
More easy entry mission opportunities
Hold the Strengths Discovery Workshop more often
Put The Well worship service on our Facebook page
Expand our current jail ministry
Encourage Spiritual Formation groups to do service projects together
Offer more training opportunities to meet the need for new leaders
Offer improved church visitation for homebound elders
Open the church to the community more often for prayer and quiet space
More involvement in mental health issues
Expand Life Tree Café use
Continue to define ourselves as a welcoming place for the LGBTQ community
Weekly “thank you” slides in worship
More personal “testimonies” from the congregation in worship
There are more “improving current ministry” ideas that we will prioritize.
What I really want to share with you are new ideas that emerged, some that will require additional leadership and resources to accomplish. These included:
New relationship building service opportunities in Traverse City
Hold regular city service events to bless our community
Begin a new worship venue to reach more people
Start a Social Justice Team and develop a stronger voice for mercy and justice ministries in Traverse City through advocacy and education.
Commit to learn and use the newest technology to share the gospel and connect people in community. This can include: weekly e-devotionals, podcasts and online groups, a church app
Add a Volunteer Coordinator staff position to more intentionally and consistently connect the congregation to growth and service opportunities
New spiritual formation experiences to help the congregation better understand how to invite new people and share their own story of God’s love in Jesus
Over the past several years we have emphasized: Developing new leaders, Focusing Beyond our Doors in our city and community, and offering new opportunities for Spiritual Growth. We will continue to go deeper with these priorities, but we also want embrace the new vision God stirs up in us.
The last letter of SOAR is for Results. That’s what is next as we form priorities and plans to to work on. If you have a passion for some of these priorities let us know. And if you have ideas we’d love to hear them, especially if you did not attend the SOAR Gathering.
Where do you see Central SOARing in the coming years?
Pastor Dale
I love Pastor Dale and our church… it comforts and fulfills my needs on a daily basis..
I love the where is God calling you next list!
We love Pastor Dale and Pastors Chris and Jane. With their leadership, CUMC will continue to Soar High both at home and abroad. We really hope the Well Service will eventually appear on Facebook. It will reach so many people that otherwise would not connect.
Pastor Dale,
Thank you for the recap of the discussions. There were so many good ideas and a great deal of passion in the discussions. It is truly exciting to think about the future of Central. We all need to participate in making it happen!