Dear Fellow Centralites,
Last month marked the 50th anniversary of the Woodstock Music festival. Most of us remember that muddy mess of music and if not, the tunes made famous that weekend still get frequent radio play. I recently heard one those “Summer of ‘69” songs: “No Time,” by The Guess Who. It includes the lyrics “Seasons change and so do I, you need not wonder why …” I agree, change is a part of life and it does little good to wonder why. But we do well to reflect on what change means for us and those we share our journey with. Each change creates an intersection, a place to stop, look back and also look ahead toward where we are going. Change points are times to learn something; pull the best and leave the rest.
Each year, the season of fall bring changes to our community. Families with children step into a new school year; local farmers are bringing in their crops; businesses are saying good bye to the summer tourists and the church steps into a new rhythm of ministry. Looking back, I’m grateful for a number of summer blessings:
Our 50th anniversary summer of church in the park was memorable. There were no rain-outs, but we did miss a Sunday to the Ironman event. (Those of you came to worship that Sunday deserve a medal for trying to find a way here!). We also congratulated 50 persons who have been members of Central Church for 50 years or more. And, as we do each summer, we baptized a number of children into the way of Jesus and his family. Young adults returned home from college and families visiting the area visited us in worship.
Vacation Bible School leaders held the first evening VBS program. Good to try new things! Our youth ventured to Upper State New York on their annual mission trip. Gospel seeds were planted and good memories gained.
In July, we voted to become a Reconciling Congregation where the majority of our congregation said “yes” being more intentionally inclusive. Serve Saturdays connected Central folks with neighbors and needs in the community. The Men’s Group picnicked on Lake Leelanau and a large group met regularly for study and discussion at Higher Grounds in the Commons.
Oh, our aging boiler system was replaced (yea, heat this winter!) and new, safer railings were installed in the sanctuary balcony. And Our Neighbor’s Garden blessed both those who worked in it as well as the families who are being fed by its produce.
These are a few things I’m grateful for. What summer blessings do you look back on with gratitude?
Looking ahead, I’m excited that our program year kicks into high gear this month. Sunday worship, Christian education and fellowship opportunities all invite us to step deeper into the blessings of Christian community. Our fall sermon series will dive into the topic of compassion and the call to become “compassionate as God is compassionate with us.” Like the song writer said, “seasons change and so do I.” The promise of Jesus is that as we follow him we will find new life in his name. This is happiness “Jesus style,” where in seeking we find and in giving we receive.
As you look ahead to being a part of the Central family this fall, what are you hoping for? Where do long for the touch of Christ’s love in your life? How might you be called to extend that love to others?
Seasons change, yes, but in God change is a hopeful journey. God the Spirit holds out a hand saying, “let me show you the way to abundant life; let’s all go together and be deep spirited friends on the way!
May you welcome this season of life with gratitude for what has been and hope for what will be. God in Christ is with us on the way.
Pastor Dale
Beautifully said